
Business Challenges

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    Tough Vendor Management

    Vendors are located in different countries and regions and faced with language barrier and time difference, resulting in difficulty in unified management

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    Salary Challenges

    Policies for Vendors vary based on different countries and regions, leading to service non-compliance and difficulties in settlement and management

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    Data Challenges

    Data reports are scattered among different internal teams and vendors, which make it difficult to integrate data and ensure data timeliness.


One-stop Management, One-to-one Service - One-stop global payroll management service for all countries with one dedicated account manager

Payroll management - SalaryReport Management Collect country payroll data of all countries is collected and integrated by Consolidated Report, to increase efficiency significantly improve efficiency through consolidated reporting

Unified platform, and integratedPlatform, Data Integration all clients' and CDP's payroll data - Salary data of all customers and CDP isare uploaded to one platform, and clients are able to log in an integrated way for our customerat any time to download, viewreview and approve them

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TheOnline operation of each monthly paypayroll cycle can be managed online to ensure data security, and historic payroll can be exported online.as well as the ability to export historical reports online

TheEach monthly paypayroll cycle will includecontain time nodes ofpoints for payroll data processing, and automatic reminderthe system will be triggeredautomatically remind at each time node in the systempoint

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Manage Your Payroll with Ease

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